Kulturschlachthof - Schloss Neuschweinstein - 


We are three associations who joined forces in 2016 to develop a new center for sociocultural activities in Jena. We combine theater with roller sports, music and educational events.

Our challenge: since 2018 we are in the process of redeveloping, rebuilding and renovating an old slaughterhouse with the help of urban development funding.



Hot News

Documentary published

24.01.2025 // by Till

In August and October 2024, 24 volunteers toiled from dusk till dawn for a total of 555 hours. We built formwork for foundations, laid cables, knocked off plaster, scraped off paint, stirred up dust, moved gravel and cut wood into small pieces. After a lot of preparatory work, the installation work for heating, ventilation and electricity will finally start in January 2025!

take part

Would you like to get active? Then join our working groups!

AG Veranstaltung

Here we plan the event program, take care of all kinds of requests and event ideas and develop concepts for successful events at our unfinished location.

AG Bau

If you want to hammer, weld or wire, you've come to the right place. The construction activities are planned and coordinated in the building groups and then it's time to get to work!

AG Nachhaltigkeit

To make the site cooler and livelier in summer, we are focusing on greening for the time being. In the future, we will also look at other issues, such as the energy supply.


AG Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

It's all about current press and social media work, designing flyers, posters or the website and documenting our project in words and pictures.

If you are interested or have any questions, just write a short message to: kontakt@freiraumjenaev.de


Socioculture needs space, good ideas, passion, know-how, time and money. You can support us in realizing our goals at the Kulturschlachthof in a variety of ways. For example, with donations in kind and money, energy or expertise. Every euro, every handshake counts!

As a non-profit organization, we issue donation receipts for donations.

We welcome questions and suggestions: kontakt@freiraumjenaev.de


FreiRaum-Jena e.V.

IBAN: DE96 4306 0967 1191 6858 00


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